Anonymouse AdRemover
This script designed to remove the advertisement block from
This is for Firefox users.
First you will need Greasemonkey - Firefox Extension. (Note: For 1.0.7 users you may want to use the older version Found Here and not let it update.)
1. Create a file called: image2ShareAdRemove.user.js
2. Open it with notepad and put this text in it:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Hide the ads from!
// @namespace
// @description Hides the advertisement on
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
// Notes:
// * is a wildcard character
// .tld is magic that matches all top-level domains (e.g. .com,, .us, etc.)
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('mouselayer').style.visibility='hidden'; } else if (document.all) { document.all['mouselayer'].style.visibility='hidden'; } else if (document.layers) { document.layers['mouselayer'].visibility='hide'; };return(false);
}, false);
3. Save it, then drag and drop the file to a firefox window (WITH GREASEMONKEY INSTALLED!)
4. Click: Tools->Install User Script...
Although I have followed the instructions listed in the post, but it did not work out. I am using Firefox v1.5 and Greasemonkey v0.6.4. May you help, please?
My blog -
I'm having the same problem as the folks above. I've followed the directions exactly, but I too am only given the option to Download the .js file. Can you help?
Here is what works with Firefox 2.x
1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy the Javascript posted into the document, and save it with a ".js" extension
3) Tools > GreaseMonkey > New User Script
... Fill in the details; look at the comments of the *.js
... click [OK]
... and it asks you the location of the *.js file to install from DISK
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